1. The Cosmic perspective of life and our role in it.
- What is The Anatomy of the Energetics of life?
- What is the Energetic set up we are learning to work at?
- And what is the Physiology how does it work?
- What is the relationship between Human Consciousness, the Energetic set up of the Earth and our Evolution.
- Further we will address the process of moving towards The New Earth, The New Human.
2. After understanding the Energetics of Transformation we will move into the preparation.
- Before we can use our Metaphysical skills we need our Body, our Mind and our Energy system to be attuned.
- I will teach a set of exercises to open your Third Eye, open your main Power Centers and connect you to the Seven Universal Sources of Love.
- You will learn Shamanic Breath work, chakra clearing and Shamanic Out of Body Journeying to connect to the Ancient Ones, the Earthkeepers of Old.
3. I will teach you how to Communicate with Nature so you can have Nature as your Teacher.
4. To add magical fuel to all the energy work, you will learn how to create a Power Field in which everything gets amplified.
5. A group Initiation, an Energy Transmission of one of the Stars of Origin, will tie you to a Cosmic group of Earthkeepers