Earthkeeper Training

The first step:

Is through Earthkeeper Training, where you learn to create a Ceque System, a Power Matrix, develop
your shamanic skills, like reading energy, communication with nature, learn to transform trauma
energy. How this training is set up you will find below.


The second step:

 Join an Earthkeeper Community, or Become a community leader and set up a community yourself;
this community of volunteers, that want to learn basic energy skills, creates a local Ceque System and
starts to read, heal and empower the energies of this region.


The third step:

All local Ceque Systems and communities connect and start to work together at the collective fields
of consciousness that create and organize life.

How can you join and start with this Earthkeeper work?

Earthkeeper Training can be practiced at many levels, and we offer training for every level.

You can start your training with:

- An Introductory Earthkeeper workshop;
It is an online training of 6 hours, split in two days (the first one is scheduled 4 and 5
November ’23)


If you like the training and feel that this work matches your souls journey in life, you can dive into it more deeply with either a 3 or 5 week of Earthkeeper Training.

 Earthkeeper Base Training (3 weeks)

This is an on-site training, with two weeks of shamanic training for personal healing,
personal and spiritual development, initiation into the shamanic Earthkeeper lineage,
boosting your shamanic skills and learning all the ins and outs of working with energy.
This is the preparation training for the third week.
The third week is about putting into practice all that you have learned. It is an on-site training
in nature where you learn how to build a Ceque System, how to read it, how to clear the
trauma imprints, how to communicate with all of nature, how to tap into celestial energies
and channel them to empower the system.
If you are deeply touched by the depth of this work and the beauty of all your experiences, (actually
everyone is) it is possible that you add two more weeks of Earthkeeper training.

Earthkeeper Power Training (five weeks):

This is about becoming a person of power and learn to use it for the good of the collective.
It contains the Earthkeeper Base Training and it adds great depth to your personal and
spiritual development. Here you receive higher initiations that speed up your awakening,
strengthen your connection with the shamanic lineage, become deeply healed of all patterns
that keep you from growing into your most authentic beingness. You will grow into a wisdom
keeper with great healing power.

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After the Earthkeeper Power Training you will be well equipped to step into the role of the
Community Leader. But we never stop growing, developing, learning and awakening, and to further
support your process we offer:

Advanced Earthkeeper Power Skills for Community Leaders

Here we go deeper into psychic training, advanced healing techniques, channeling, higher
level initiations, advanced energy work, opening of your energy systems, spiritual awakening,
nature communication and group dynamics.

If you mature in your role as a wisdom keeper and community leader and you feel the calling to teach, you can step into Earthkeeper Teacher Training:

Earthkeeper Teacher Training:

Here you step into the process of learning how to teach all the Earthkeeper Training Modules

This training is aiming at two levels of Earthkeepers:

  1. The experienced shaman (mesa carrier), energy worker, witch, energy healer or light worker.
    Because they could step up as community leaders and teachers within this practice.
  2. The beginners or less experienced shamans, energy healers, light workers, witches or all who feel a
    strong call to shamanic work, to nature and have a strong sense of wanting to contribute to living
    in harmony with each other and nature. They could participate in the communities and grow into
    community leaders.

How is the third week of the Earthkeeper BaseTraining build up?

What will you learn at such a training?

Can everyone become an Earthkeeper?

Click to learn more